This page contains all the information you need to know about Prins de Vos’ project BOYS DO CRY.

Since 2014 until 2021 I have been photographing artist, poet and trans man Levi frequently, mostly during crucial moments in his life, such as right after Levi was evicted and ended up in a small caravan, but also mere days after his bottom surgery. Click here to see the photo series
Click here to order the photo book
For sale at local book stores, FROM JUNE 6 2022:
Stedelijk Museum museum shop, Amsterdam (sold out)
FOAM museum shop, Amsterdam (sold out)
Gays&Gadgets, Amsterdam
Savannah Bay, Utrecht
De queer boekenkast, Alkmaar
Kartonnen Dozen, Antwerp (shop closed down in 2023)
On May 19th 2022 the photo book was launched at OBA Oosterdok. The book launch is presented by Amsterdam Museum, in cooperation with Transgender Netwerk, IHLIA LGBTI Heritage and Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam.There are two versions of the photo book, the normal edition (€25, 350 copies) and the special edition (€45, 150 copies). The special edition has a firm cover. The normal edition comes without the cover. I chose to publish two versions with two different price tags to make the book accessible both for (queer) people with low income and art collectors.
Click here for all information about the book launch
Book launch
- On May 19th the photo book was published! The book launch was presented by Amsterdam Museum, in cooperation with Transgender Netwerk, IHLIA LGBTI Heritage and Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam.
- 242 people donated on Voordekunst to make the printing of the photo book possible. Click on the link to learn more about the campaign.
Pride Photo
- BOYS DO CRY was chosen to be part of the Pride Photo exhibition 2022. From April 1st until the end of 2022 the exhibition will tour around The Netherlands, starting at IJpromonade in Amsterdam (April 1st - April 26th).
Buy My Darlings - On April 23th and 24th I will participate in the third edition of photo fair Buy My Darlings. Visitors will be able to buy original prints and pre-order the photo book.
Eeuw van de amateur - In episode 238 of podcast series Eeuw van de amateur, I talked about BOYS DO CRY an much more.
Rabo Photographic Portrait Prize
- My portrait of Levi got nominated for the Rabo Photographic Portrait Prize 2022.
- Dutch newspaper NRC published an interview with Levi and me about the threats we receive because of Pride Photo.
Het Parool
- Dutch newspaper Trouw published my essay on how nudity (in art) should be normal and accepted.
- On May 19th the photo book was published! The book launch was presented by Amsterdam Museum, in cooperation with Transgender Netwerk, IHLIA LGBTI Heritage and Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam.
- 242 people donated on Voordekunst to make the printing of the photo book possible. Click on the link to learn more about the campaign.
Pride Photo
- BOYS DO CRY was chosen to be part of the Pride Photo exhibition 2022. From April 1st until the end of 2022 the exhibition will tour around The Netherlands, starting at IJpromonade in Amsterdam (April 1st - April 26th).
Buy My Darlings - On April 23th and 24th I will participate in the third edition of photo fair Buy My Darlings. Visitors will be able to buy original prints and pre-order the photo book.
Eeuw van de amateur - In episode 238 of podcast series Eeuw van de amateur, I talked about BOYS DO CRY an much more.
Rabo Photographic Portrait Prize
- My portrait of Levi got nominated for the Rabo Photographic Portrait Prize 2022.
- Dutch newspaper NRC published an interview with Levi and me about the threats we receive because of Pride Photo.
Het Parool
- Dutch newspaper Trouw published my essay on how nudity (in art) should be normal and accepted.
De Cultuurvlogger
- Marco Dreijer wrote an article about BOYS DO CRY.
Het Parool
- In 2018 Dutch newspaper Het Parool published 4 spreads about the series. (In the meantime, Levi changed his name. The article still uses his old name.)
Selection Student Jury De Best Verzorgde Boeken
- BOYS DO CRY was mainly intended for young (queer) people, so that makes it even more special that the student jury in particular chose it as one of the best books.
- Gaykrant wrote an article about the photo book.
- Dutch queer platform and magazine Winq published an interview with me about BOYS DO CRY.
Savannah Bay
- On June 6th I will be signing BOYS DO CRY at queer book store Savannah Bay, together with Hanna Bervoets, who will sign the translation of her novel “We had to remove this post”.
Eeuw van de amateur - In episode 106 of podcast series and radio show Kulti Kulti, I talked about BOYS DO CRY an much more.
- Dutch newspaper Trouw published a large interview with me about my work, BOYS DO CRY and Pride Photo.
- Marco Dreijer wrote an article about BOYS DO CRY.
Het Parool
- In 2018 Dutch newspaper Het Parool published 4 spreads about the series. (In the meantime, Levi changed his name. The article still uses his old name.)
Selection Student Jury De Best Verzorgde Boeken
- BOYS DO CRY was mainly intended for young (queer) people, so that makes it even more special that the student jury in particular chose it as one of the best books.
- Gaykrant wrote an article about the photo book.
- Dutch queer platform and magazine Winq published an interview with me about BOYS DO CRY.
Savannah Bay
- On June 6th I will be signing BOYS DO CRY at queer book store Savannah Bay, together with Hanna Bervoets, who will sign the translation of her novel “We had to remove this post”.
Eeuw van de amateur - In episode 106 of podcast series and radio show Kulti Kulti, I talked about BOYS DO CRY an much more.
- Dutch newspaper Trouw published a large interview with me about my work, BOYS DO CRY and Pride Photo.
Interested in buying a signed and numbered print? Find all information here:

Book launch BOYS DO CRY - OBA Oosterdok, May 19th 2022
Photos: Jennifer Knuchel
© Prins de Vos, 2024